Small Business Accountant Adelaide

doesn’t necessarily explain why the information Small Business Accountant Adelaide from the links is relevant or aren’t really using it as a call to action for for their practice I think that you know is where the real differential is these days at least that’s what I see when I look different-different Facebook pages so now we’re going to move on to the lightning round and so fast for just a minute this is jen we’re getting some interesting questions that i wanted to ask before we jump into the lightning round if you guys don’t mind i love it alright okay the first

one comes from robert and he asks how often should you change your profile picture or cover on the business age who is go first he didn’t offer so anytime there’s something I guess newer exciting going on that you can have visually represented in a profile picture finding good opportunities do so recently we are exploring snaps out of business we end up making a snapchat or profile patient so that would be good

opportunity to change it we’re also hydrating and we’re looking for new team members so what we did is we also change that represent that we’re looking for your key member so if you go our Facebook page you’ll see both the profile pics are snapchat and then the main Facebook page itself at that we are hiring and we’re out there looking for people so anytime there’s something like that going on good time to change facebook she had also gotten smarter than just today happens me on my personal profile they said hey it’s been a while since you

changed your personal profile picture why don’t you consider any picture so we would know that if it’s Dagnan and all people just kind of tuned out so Facebook’s giving you little helps and tips to change your profile picture if / you at i’m orben sinister of time Carrie I don’t know if they’re doing that the business profile think is quite honestly we do change it up from time to time but at least online personal day in the stagnant and they’re like hey it’s been a while you don’t even look like that anymore I’m you need to change your profile page we don’t change it much at all one of the things

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